Andy Malengier


  • Higher Art Secondary Education, Department of Artistic Humanities, Sint-Lucas, Ghent.
  • Higher Education, Department of Life Sciences and Landscape Architecture University College Ghent, Campus Melle
  • Post-Graduate Education, Department of Monument and Landscape Care, Free Student Art Academy, Antwerp


Refurbishment village centre of Houthulst

Refurbishment village centre of Ichtegem

Masterplan village centre Sint-Martens-Lennik

Masterplan village centre redevelopment Deurle

Masterplan refurbishment village centre Zandvoorde

Refurbishment of the village centre of Zillebeke

Refurbishment of the village centre of Slypskapelle

Masterplan village centre Geluwe

Masterplan village center Petegem

Masterplan village center Oostrozebeke

Futur vision ‘Infill site village center Westkapelle’, Vision of the future Wervik & Wervique-Sud “Wervik 2050, Portus Viroviacum”

Refurbishment of the village center of Oostnieuwkerke

Refurbishment of the parsonage garden in Deurle

Design adventure park J. and M. Sabbestraat Menen

Refurbishment garden art academy Harelbeke

Refurbishment Park of Wevelgem

Conversion of a container park into a public park along the Vrijbos route in Staden

Masterplan Bargepark Beernem

Refurbishment Park of Geluwe

Furnishing garden of the town hall in Wervik

Surroundings and roof garden of new police station PZ Polder – Diksmuide

Development surroundings campus POV (Provincial Training Centre for Security Services), Zedelgem

Design of patios and roof gardens in new fire station ‘De Bramier’, Lauwe

Development of area housing/back-office/depot operation/expertise centre provincial Raversyde domain

Refurbishment of the inner area in the centre of Zele – Surroundings of cultural centre De Kiem and sports hall De Klodde

Development around OC De Knippelaar Kruiseke

Masterplan around Administrative Centre Erpe-Mere

Refurbishment park around Wevelgem library

Master plan redevelopment WES site Bruges

Masterplan redesign surroundings sports hall and after-school childcare Municipality of Oostrozebeke

Master plan Dipod site City of Roeselare

Design concept for the area around the Wervik justice of the peace court

Design concept for the surroundings of Sint-Blasius church Landegem

Design concept for the surroundings of the station (old railway bed ‘Vrijbosroute’) in Staden

Development of surroundings of out-of-school childcare centre, Kruiseke

Development of surroundings for new library, Wervik


Refurbishment of entrance gates to the provincial domain ‘De Palingbeek

Development of Diefhondbos Menen Landscape Park

Development of Mandelmeersen and surroundings in Oostrozebeke

Development of Leieboorden Wevelgem

Design vision for ‘Hoornstraat-Kasteeldreef-Mexicostraat’, Beernem

Design vision of ‘Stationsput’, Eernegem

GNOP plans Wervik (Municipal Nature Development Plan)

Renovation of the protected castle garden of Montméry, Ambazac, France

Masterplan Koninginnehof – Maria Hendrikapark – Oostende

Design study heritage site Blekerijvesting Menen

Masterplan Koninginnehof – Maria Hendrikapark – Oostende

Garden design hotel and holiday home Lavacherie – Luxembourg

Garden design ‘Beau Regard’ holiday homes, Rochefort

Garden design restaurant in Rekkem

Car park design, Veurne

Garden design around hotel project Knokke

Masterplan northern activities and recreation area Dikkebusvijver Ieper

Refurbishment garden holiday home Malperthuis, Heuvelland

Masterplan recreation site Oosthove – Wervik

Refurbishment garden holiday home Outside, Heuvelland

Design adventure park, Poperinge

Design concept for the holiday park in Middelkerke

Design concept integration of cycle path and bridleway with reception park adjacent to ‘t Groot Moerhof, Adinkerke

Design vision ‘Extension sports zone Zomerloosgeleed’, Gistel

Design vision visitors’ entrance and redesign of the IJzer Tower site, Diksmuide

Development around sports hall De Pionier, phases 2 & 3, Wervik

Green plan subdivision ‘Loverstraat-Wakkensesteenweg’ Wielsbeke

Green plan surrounding allotment ‘Kleine Weg’ Tielt

Development of the surroundings of the allotment ‘Kloosterhof’ Tielt

Development around cohousing project Maria Madeleine Wervik

Green design of area development ‘Dikkebusseweg’ Ypres

Interior design of residential project in the centre of Kortrijk

Development of surroundings residential project ‘De Hazelaar’ Izegem

Green development plan for the Haverhof development – Izegem

Development of surroundings of housing project ‘Schone Keer’ Lauwe

Design vision for the layout of the surroundings of the Bozestraat residential project in Kortrijk

Green plan allotment Lambrecht Wielsbeke

Masterplan redevelopment Bellewijk Poperinge

Greening of residential area Steenstraat Meulebeke

Greening of residential area Oostrozebekestraat Meulebeke

Drawing up image quality plan allotment ‘De Kei’ in Sint-Martens-Latem

Development of surroundings of residential project ‘De Paulientjes’ Menen

Design concept for residential area Bruges

Design concept for residential park ‘Ter Winde’ Lauwe

Design concept parcellation and green expansion of Staden village centre

Furnishing surroundings care homes PVT60 and sports hall Psychiatric Centre Sint- Amandus Beernem

Car park and entrance Psychiatric Centre Sint- Amandus Beernem

Refurbishment play area primary school De Ginste – Oostrozebeke

Furnishing surroundings new De Ster primary school and Poperinge secondary Freinet school

Design vision surrounding residential and retirement centre ‘De Kleit’ Maldegem

Masterplan environment Sint- Paulus College Wevelgem

Masterplan Psychiatric Centre Sint-Amandus Beernem

Furnishing surroundings residential and care centre St- Anna, Bulskampveld-Veurne

Refurbishment surroundings retirement home Sint-Jozef, Moorsele

Design garden care facility Kerckstede Oostnieuwkerke

Design garden residential and retirement home Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Ter Westroze Westrozebeke

Competition design garden & tympanum Dominican monastery Brussels

Design roof gardens TVH Equipment ‘Het Nest’ – TVH Group Waregem

Development of surroundings for new PLANT T industrial building with roof garden offices TVH Group Waregem

Advice greening of Pepsico commervial building Veurne

Landscaping around company building Group Roussel Menen

Greenery around office building central administration EEC Gullegem

Refurbishment of Driemo office surroundings – Izegem

Interior design Visitor Center and offices TVH Group Waregem

Design vision surrounding offices building firm ‘Corpuss’ Geluwe

Refurbishment of entrance garden Funerarium Vuylsteke Avelgem

Refurbishment of front garden and car park pharmacy Mertens-Escanaffle

Setting up surroundings and parking notary’s office in Wervik

Setting up surroundings and car parks Business centre ‘Pitstop 145’ Wevelgem

Design vision concept layout office complex & surroundings ‘West station’ Menen

Design vision redesign surroundings Central Kitchen Mensa, Meulebeke

Design vision for interior design architectural firm DB Architects, Wevelgem

Gardendesign office building, engineering & architecture firm D’Hondt, Kortrijk

Refurbishment of public green spaces in Heernisse business park, Diksmuide

Design vision for the surroundings of office building Poco Loco Roeselare

Furnishing surroundings ‘Showroom Vandersanden’, Halluin, France

Refurbishment surroundings ‘Francovera’, Wervik

Refurbishment of entrance garden Funerarium Wervik








Staden forest cemetery masterplan

Masterplan cemetery Duffel – Centre

Masterplan cemetery Duffel – Mijlstraat

Development of children’s cemetery, starry meadow and burial forest park cemetery Wervik

Development of the starry meadow and cemetery Vleteren

Vilvoorde cemetery refurbishment – Centre

Vilvoorde cemetery refurbishment – Koningslo

Vilvoorde cemetery refurbishment – Peutie

Vilvoorde cemetery re-development – Houtem

Refurbishment Grobbendonk cemetery – Het Hoog

Restyling Grobbendonk cemetery – Vorselaarse Baan

Grobbendonk cemetery refurbishment – Bouwel

Sint Anna Zwalm cemetery refurbishment

Expansion cemetery Zandvoorde

Masterplan re-development Blankenberge cemetery

Masterplan redevelopment cemetery Galmaarden

Masterplan redevelopment cemetery Galmaarden – Herhout

Masterplan redevelopment cemetery Galmaarden – Tollembeek

Master plan redevelopment cemetery Galmaarden – Vollezele

Master plan redevelopment old cemetery Dijkstraat – Oudenaarde

Design concept redesign children’s cemetery Zele

Refurbishment of new cemetery Proven

Master plan redevelopment cemetery Boechout-Vremde

Master plan redevelopment Boechout cemetery

Wachtebeke cemetery refurbishment

Masterplan & Refurbishment Moorslede-Dadizele cemetery

Masterplan & redevelopment Moorslede cemetery

Refurbishment ‘Ter Ruste’ Poperinge cemetery

Masterplan redevelopment old cemetery Veurne

Masterplan redevelopment Optielt cemetery

Masterplan redevelopment cemetery Meensel-Kiezegem – Tielt-Winge

Design concept redevelopment children’s cemetery Ruggeveld-Antwerp

Masterplan redevelopment cemetery Sint-Pieters Leeuw-Vlezenbeek

Master plan redevelopment cemetery Sint- Pieters Leeuw-Zuun

Masterplan redevelopment cemetery Sint Pieters Leeuw-Sint- Laureins Berchem

Masterplan redevelopment cemetery Sint Pieters Leeuw-Oudenaken

Masterplan redevelopment cemetery Sint Pieters Leeuw-Ruisbroek

Masterplan redevelopment and extension of Zemst-Weerde cemetery

Rehabilitation cemetery Sint-Lodewijk Deerlijk

Rehabilitation cemetery Oostrozebeke – De Ginste

Refurbishment of Oostrozebeke cemetery

Refurbishment of Kapellen cemetery

Refurbishment of new cemetery Watou

Saint Lambert Oedelem-Beernem cemetery upgrade plan

Concept for transformation of Adinkerke cemetery into a municipal park

Concept cemetery Putte-Beerzel

Concept cemetery Putte-Peulis

Furnishing Vleteren central cemetery

Design vision for extension and design vision for redevelopment of Geluwe cemetery

Concept for the expansion of the Geel-Zammel cemetery

Draft vision for the expansion of the Geel-Winkelomheide cemetery

Draft vision for the expansion of the Geel-Ten Aard cemetery

Concept for the expansion of the Geel-Punt cemetery

Design vision for the expansion of the Geel-Larum cemetery

Design vision for the expansion of the Geel-Bel cemetery

Rehabilitation and extension of Wortegem-Petegem cemetery

Kortenberg-Meerbeek cemetery expansion

Design vision for refurbishment of Londerzeel-Steenhuffel cemetery

Design vision for the redevelopment of Lo-Reninge cemetery

Extension of Zillebeke cemetery

Rehabilitation of Heuvelland-Wulvergem cemetery

Designvision cemetery Heuvelland-De Klijte

Design vision for the redevelopment of Oostkamp cemetery

Concept for the redevelopment of the Oostkamp-Hertsberge cemetery

Design concept for the redevelopment of Oostkamp-Baliebrugge cemetery

Design concept for refurbishing Oostkamp-Waardamme cemetery

Designoncept for the redevelopment of Oostkamp-Ruddervoorde cemetery

Concept for the future of the old Wervik & Komenstraat cemetery

Refurbishment of De Panne cemetery

Refurbishment and extension of Zonnebeke cemetery

Refurbishment of Zonnebeke-Passendale cemetery

Refurbishment and extension of Zonnebeke-Beselare cemetery

Refurbishment and extension of Zonnebeke-Geluveld cemetery

Design concept ‘Solheide’, Overijse park cemetery

Development of Wervik park cemetery

Grobbendonk – Bouwel cemetery refurbishment

Redevelopment cemetery Rink Sint-Pieters-Leeuw

Malbork Commonwealth War Cemetery Master Plan – Malbork, Poland

WWI German military cemetery restoration in Vladslo

WWI German military cemetery restoration in Langemark

Master plan redevelopment Alveringem-Gijverinkhove cemetery

Master plan redevelopment of Lo cemetery

Ceremonial farewell site with funerary artwork cemetery Zwalm

Memorial garden Koortskapel ‘O.-L.-Vrouw Nood zoekt Troost’ Zonnebeke

Ceremonial farewell site Wortegem cemetery

‘Brothers-In-Arms-Memorial’ Zonnebeke

Master plan redevelopment Fatima pilgrimage site Zandhoven

Design vision redesign Canadian Memorial St Juliaan Langemark

Ceremonial farewell site Staden cemetery

Design memorial cemetery Oedelem

Competition design memorial site Koknese, Latvia

Design vision memorial garden deceased children, Klerken

Design memorial cemetery ‘Solheide’, Overijse

Design memorials old cemetery Wervik

Competition design reception and info site Military Cemetery WWI in Langemark

Contest design WWI memorial site – landscape art in the Westhoek


Memorial Our Lady of 7 Woes Sisters, Ruiselede cemetery

Funeral monument Neyrinck family, Gullegem cemetery

Entrance gate farewell garden & bench, ceremony pedestal and candelabra farewell place, Vleteren central cemetery

AMA – ArsMoriAndi – A new form of ash delivery

Gravestone family Bryon – Allemeersch, park cemetery Wervik

Funeral monument family Leus – Van Damme, Drongen cemetery

Memorial Dominicus family, Zellik cemetery

Memorial family Humblet – Goos, Marke cemetery

Urn gravestones, columbarium and furniture, De Panne cemetery

Cross cemetery of Zonnebeke

Columbaria cemeteries of Zonnebeke, Geluveld, Beselare and Passchendaele

Memorial family Carton – Keersebilck, old cemetery of Wervik

Tombstone family Leyn, old cemetery of Wervik

Tombstone family Allemeersch – Vanraes, old cemetery of Wervik

Epekeina – Border imagination – Wervik park cemetery

Epiphany – Contemporary art & religion – Park Abbey Heverlee

Renovation of the castle garden of Montméry – France



Design of numerous private gardens

Design entrance building cemetery Zwalm

Design bus stop with bicycle storage village center Ichtegem

Design farewell building Wortegem cemetery

Design vision private residence + implantation, Menen

Design office building and surroundings, Overijse

Design vision new house and garden, Wielsbeke

Design concept office building design office Andy Malengier bvba, Zonnebeke

Design concept for ceremonial farewell space at Staden cemetery

Design concept for office complex & surroundings ‘Weststation’ Menen

Design concept for residential area with housing Bruges

Design concept for ceremonial farewell space at Londerzeel-Steenhuffel cemetery

Design pool house in private garden, Gullegem

Design concept for a new town hall in Oostrozebeke

Design concept ceremonial farewell room, Oostkamp cemetery

Design concept ceremonial farewell space, De Panne cemetery

Design concept memorial tower at memorial site in Koknese, Latvia

Participation in symposia, committees, councils & juries

Panel member debate on the theme ‘Alternative energy and spatial planning’ Auditorium Auris, Ypres Commissioned by Gecoro Ypres and Gecoro Heuvelland, April 18, 2023

Panel member interdisciplinary brainstorming session on the theme “Mourning rituals of the future” Commissioned by IDC Howest, Kortrijk. December 20, 2022

Panel member symposium Belgian natural stone, a material of the future? Commissioned by Pierres & Marbres Wallonie. Flanders Meeting & Convention Center, Antwerp. Nov. 24, 2022

Jury member design competition new library and surroundings Sint-Martens-Latem 2015

Member as an expert GECORO Menen (Municipal Commission for Spatial Planning) 2013-2018

Juror ‘Oproep Winvorm’ – Verkaveling Hellestraat-Ooststraat Wervik 2013-2014

Member of external expert team project direction urban infrastructure city of Wervik 2011-2012

Chairman-Juror contest visual art new village center Oostnieuwkerke 2009


First place candidacy contest redesigning Ichtegem village center, June 2021

Second laureate contest VVOG, Green Spring 2020, with the “Fitting out of Zillebeke Cemetery,” December 2020

Laureate environment new elementary school De Ster and secondary Freinet School Poperinge in collaboration with AVDK Architects Vande kKrckhove

First place contest VVOG, Green Spring 2018, featuring the redevelopment of Wevelgem’s municipal park, December 2018

First place design competition for new cemetery Proven, 2018

Laureate design environment AC Steenberg Erpe-Mere

Laureate drafting image quality plan allotment ‘Hooglatem’ in Sint-Martens-Latem, in collaboration with architects Berkein bvba, June 21, 2016

Laureate with Vleteren’s new cemetery, WinVorm, 15 years of West Flanders inspiring projects. OC ‘De Schouw’ Lichtervelde, Nov. 24, 2015

First place design competition for new cemetery Watou, 2014

First place candidacy contest to expand cemetery Geluwe, 2011

First place competition VVOG, Green Spring 2009, with the redevelopment of the village center of Oostnieuwkerke, December 2009

First place competition candidate ‘Redesigning cemeteries Heuvelland (De Klijte & Wulvergem)’, 2009

First place competition “Refurbishment around rest home Sint-Jozef”, in Moorsele, 2008

First place “International Funeral Award 2007,” with the design for the cemeteries in Zonnebeke, in the “cities and towns” category

Participation in international design competition “Memorial site for Latvian victims under Soviet rule” Koknese, Latvia, 2006. In collaboration with Helena Gutmane, Riga

First place competition “Refurbishing Solheide Cemetery Park” at Overijse, 2005

First place competition “Refurbishment of part of old railroad bed ‘Vrijbosroute’ at Staden,” 2005

First place “International Funeral Award 2004,” in the “Best Funeral Designer” category with a presentation of funerary projects to date

Participation in international art competition for the Dominican Monastery, 40 avenue Rennaissancelaan, Brussels, May 2001

First place “International Funeral Award 1999,” with the design for the park cemetery in Wervik


Lecture at OPC De Leege Platse, Beselare Commissioned by vzw Brothers-In-Arms-Memorial, 31 May 2023 ‘Clarification draft memorial for guide circles’

Lecture at Flanders Expo, Ghent. Commissioned by AVBS, Sept. 27, 2022 Seminar Green Cities project – ‘The village and town center as a social meeting space

Lecture at Cultural Center Ghybe, Poperinge. Commissioned by Lions Club Ypres-Poperinge, May 05, 2022 ‘About Art & Landscape

Lecture in culture house ‘Het Perron’, Ypres. Commissioned by the Ypres Academy, Jan. 20, 2022 ‘On Art & Landscape

Lecture – online. Commissioned by Rotary Club Menen, Jan. 13, 2022 ‘The village and town center as a social meeting place’

Recitation at “De Kollebloem,” Destelbergen. Commissioned by intercommunal VENECO, Sept. 24, 2020 ‘The village and town center as a social meeting space’

Lecture at Vande Moortel brickyard, Oudenaarde. Commissioned by Green Growth, Feb. 20, 2020‘The village and town center as a social meeting space

Recitation at Salons Vaernwyck, Kuurne. Commissioned by Rotary Club Harelbeke, Sept. 12, 2019 ‘The village and town center as a social meeting space’

Lecture at Miss Zoete Hall, St. Peter’s Chapel, Herne. Commissioned by Pajottenland & Zenne Valley Regional Landscape, May 15, 2019. As part of a study morning “Revived Inspiration Day ,” “Green Cemeteries and Village Squares

Lecture in Zonnebeke office. On behalf of Green Ypres, Jan. 04, 2019. ‘Respect for our Towns & Villages’

Performance at the Ledebergtheather Ghent. Commissioned by Archipel, Oct. 04, 2018. ‘THE quiet experience of outdoor space’

Lecture at Liberal Archives/Liberas, Kramersplein Ghent. Commissioned by Liberal Archives/Liberas, Oct. 03, 2018. ‘Cemeteries’

Lecture at OC ‘t Gelevelt, Geluveld. Commissioned by NVA Zonnebeke, July 05, 2018. ‘Respect for our Towns & Villages’

Lecture at Nagelmackers bank branch, Kortrijk. Commissioned by the management of Nagelmackers Kortrijk, Oct. 20, 2016. ‘Designing to the Genius Loci – Optimal integration of urban planning, architecture and gardens into their landscape’

Lecture at the study and inspiration day ‘Open End’ Hogeschool Gent, Campus Bijloke, Black Hall. Commissioned by the Department of Architectural Design KASK – School of Arts and the expertise center Mix!t (Faculty of Man and Welfare), Oct. 19, 2016 ‘Memorials and landscape architecture’

Lecture – guest lecturer at the ‘School of Arts – KASK’, Campus Bijloke, Ghent. Commissioned by KASK Ghent, April 17, 2016 ‘Contemporary landscape architecture with respect for historical context’

Recitation at the home of the Roussel family, Maillane, Provence, France. Commissioned by the Roussel family. Maillane, Oct. 06, 2016 ‘Designing to the Genius Loci – Optimal integration of urban planning, architecture and gardens into their landscape’

Lecture at the ‘School of Arts – KASK’, Campus Bijloke, auditorium D03, Ghent. As part of a study afternoon on “Green Heritage in Flanders,” April 29, 2016 “Contemporary landscape architecture with respect for historical context

Recital at OC In ‘T Riet, Zillebeke. Commissioned by Davidsfonds Zillebeke, April 22, 2016 ‘The silent experience of outdoor space’ On art & landscape

Lecture at KU Leuven, Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent. Guest lecturer, March 15, 2016 ‘The quiet experience of outdoor space’ On art & landscape

‘Pecha Kucha’ lecture at Village Hall, Jonkershove. Commissioned by the Province of West Flanders, March 08, 2016 Festive initiative in the context of 20 years of area cooperation in the Westhoek ‘Working on livability in villages’

Lecture at Parkhotel Kortrijk. Commissioned by Kiwanis Kortrijk, December 04, 2015 ‘The quiet experience of outdoor space’ On art & landscape

Lecture at Vormingplus, Kortrijk. Commissioned by Vormingplus Kortrijk, October 18, 2015 – As part of the ‘day of silence’ ‘The silent experience of outdoor space’ About art & landscape

Recitation at CC De Herbakker, Eeklo. Commissioned by Regional Landscape Meetjesland, Oct. 15, 2015 “The village and town center as a social meeting space.

Lecture at De Warande Castle, Wetteren. Commissioned by AVBS, Oct. 01, 2015 ‘The quiet experience of outdoor space’ About art & landscape

Lecture at Hostellerie St.- Nicolas, Elverdinge. Commissioned by Rotary Club Ypres, Sept. 10, 2015 “The village and town center as a social meeting place.

Recital at the home of Ryngaert-Vandendriessche, Heestert. Commissioned by Athena Kortrijk 1, April 28, 2015 ‘The quiet experience of outdoor space’ On art & landscape’

Recitation at Hostellerie De Kemmelberg, Kemmel. Commissioned by Fifty-One Club Ypres-Poperinge, Feb. 19, 2015 ‘The quiet experience of outdoor space’ On art and landscape

Recitation at ‘t Hemelhof, Kortrijk. Commissioned by SEL Culture Club, Feb. 04, 2015 ‘A philosophical confrontation with grand architecture and nature’

Recitation as part of Els Vermandere’s exhibition “Autumn Tillless” at the old school in Lampernisse. Commissioned by Els Vermandere, Nov. 11, 2014, ‘The quiet experience of outdoor space’ On art and landscape

Lecture at Groeningeland Gullegem. Commissioned by Davidsfonds Gullegem, Oct. 23, 2014, “A philosophical confrontation with grand architecture and nature.

Lecture at the seminar boat Noella on Recolettenlei in Ghent. Commissioned by brickworks Vandemoortel Oudenaarde, VM River Tour, Sept. 05, 2014, “The village and town center as a social meeting space.

Lecture in the seminar boat Noella on the Scheldt in Oudenaarde. Commissioned by brickworks Vandemoortel Oudenaarde, VM River Tour, Aug. 29, 2014, “The village and town center as a social meeting space.

Recitation at the Ypres Town Hall. Commissioned by the Ypres City Council,for the members Council Local Economy and vzw Centrummanagement Ieper, May 20, 2014, ‘A deeper look at landscape architecture and urban renewal’

Lecture at the Ypres Barracks. Commissioned by Green Ypres, April 03, 2014, “A deeper look at landscape architecture and urban renewal.

Recitation OC Ter Streye Sint Denijs. Commissioned by Davidsfonds Sint-Denijs, Feb. 07, 2014, ‘Landscape architecture’

Recitation Lindenhof Deerlijk. Commissioned by Sint-Fiacre Kortrijk, Jan. 29, 2014, ‘Spiritual landscape architecture’

Lecture Parkhotel Kortrijk. Commissioned by Probus Leiegalm Menen-Wevelgem, Sept. 17, 2013, ‘Spiritual landscape architecture’

Lecture at ‘Syntra West’ Roeselare. Commissioned by Syntra West, May 30, 2013 “A landscape architect’s vision of contemporary garden architecture.

Lecture Athena in Ypres. Commissioned by Athena Ypres, May 16, 2013 “A performance on myth, tradition and its evolution in garden and landscape architecture.

Lecture at the Inspyrium in Cuijk, the Netherlands. Commissioned by Ebben Nursery, May 16, 2013 Symposium “Trees in Cemeteries.

Lecture at the Academy of Kortrijk. Commissioned by vzw Arthur, March 22, 2013 ‘Spiritual landscape architecture’

Lecture at ‘Ebben’ Cuijk, Netherlands. Commissioned by Ebben Nursery, Jan. 10, 2013 ‘Cemeteries’

Lecture at ‘Syntra West’ Roeselare. Commissioned by Syntra West, Dec. 04, 2012 ‘A landscape architect’s vision of contemporary garden architecture’

Lecture at the “Expohallen Gent – Green Expo” Gent. Commissioned by the VVOG – Association For Public Greenery, Sept. 25, 2012 ‘Green, silent speaking cemeteries’

Lecture at the “Carrières du Hainaut” Soignies. Commissioned by the Carrières du Hainaut, Aug. 22, 2012 ‘be.stone – pierre bleue et construction durable’

Recitation at “St. Peter’s Church” Gijverinkhove. Commissioned by the WVI and the town council of Alveringem, May 31, 2012 ‘Nomination of design for redevelopment of Gijverinkhove cemetery’.

Recitation at community center ‘De Mandelroos’ Oostrozebeke. Commissioned by Interreg, May 23, 2012. ‘Draft vision for village center of Oostrozebeke’

Lecture in the ‘Quality Room – Regional House Castle Tillegem. Commissioned by quality chamber and city council Wervik, April 24, 2012 ‘Nominating draft vision for village center Geluwe’

Recitation at “St. Peter’s Church” Gijverinkhove. Commissioned by WVI and Alveringem city council, Feb. 29, 2012 ‘Nominated design for redesign of Gijverinkhove cemetery’

Recitation at the town hall ‘Hof van Wyckhuize’ Alveringem. Commissioned by the Alveringem Green Service, Feb. 16, 2012 ‘Greening of cemeteries’

Lecture “School of Arts – KASK,” Bijloke campus, Ghent. Commissioned by undergraduate teachers in ‘Landscape and garden architecture,’ Oct. 25, 2011 ‘Spiritual landscape architecture’

Recitation in De Spil “The white room,” Roeselare. Commissioned by WEBOS, Oct. 12, 2011 ‘Spiritual landscape architecture’

Lecture in Friends’ Hall Museums Bruges. Commissioned by Bruges City Council, Nov. 25, 2010 ‘Spiritual landscape architecture’

Lecture at seminar in Heemstede, Netherlands. Commissioned by Den Boer Econorm, Netherlands, Oct. 07, 2010 ‘Sustainable public space’

Recitation at Wervik Town Hall. Commissioned by municipal and CPAS council, Oct. 05, 2010 ‘Future vision for Geluwe’

Lecture and tour of village center of Oostnieuwkerke and cemeteries of Zonnebeke and Wervik. Commissioned by Bruges City Council – Urban Commission on Gravestones, Sept. 28, 2010

Recitation at Wervik Town Hall. Commissioned by GECORO Advisory Group, June 2, 2010 ‘Future Vision Geluwe’

Lecture at the Esen Castle in Diksmuide. Commissioned by the WVI, Westhoekoverleg and the Province of West Flanders, May 19, 2010 “New insights and developments for municipal cemeteries.

Recitation at Wervik Town Hall. Commissioned by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, March 29, 2010 ‘Geluwe 2050’

Lecture at the Nekkerhal in Mechelen ‘Day of Public Space 2010’. Commissioned by Den Boer Econorm, Netherlands, March 10, 2010 ‘Sustainable public space’

Lecture at the Hogeschool Brugge. Commissioned by HOWEST, Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen, Jan. 26, 2010 “Seminar, Leefbaarheid is Maatwerk,” presenting the village center of Oostnieuwkerke and Wervik 2050, Portus Viroviacum.

Lecture at Hotel Nazareth, Nazareth. Commissioned by Den Boer Econorm, Netherlands, Jan. 26, 2010 ‘Sustainable cemeteries’

Lecture at Wervik Town Hall, for the management team and officials, Dec. 17, 2009 ‘Wervik 2050 – Portus Viroviacum’

Lecture at the SWOK, Staden. Commissioned by the WVI and the Province of West Flanders, December 3, 2009 ‘In search of spatial quality’ – ‘A presentation of the new village core of Oostnieuwkerke’.

Lecture at the “Castle of Nieuwland,” Aarschot. Commissioned by Genius Loci, Netherlands, Oct. 21, 2009 ‘Quality and sustainability in cemeteries’

Lecture at Wervik Town Hall, for the GECORO Advisory Group, Oct. 15, 2009 ‘Wervik 2050 – Portus Viroviacum’

Lecture and tour of Wervik park cemetery. Commissioned by Wervik city council & Intercommunale ‘Leiedal’, Sept. 2, 2009 ‘The park cemetery of Wervik’

Lecture at Wervik Town Hall, before the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, May 4, 2009 ‘Wervik 2050 – Portus Viroviacum’

Lecture at the IEG, Mouscron. Commissioned by the IEG (Intercommunale d’etude et de gestion), Dec. 10, 2008 “A presentation of my work to date.

Lecture at “De Steenen Haene,” Ypres-Zillebeke. Commissioned by “The Order of the Prince,” March 13, 2008 “A performance on myth, tradition and its evolution in garden and landscape architecture, with examples from Europe and own work.

Lecture at the Esen Castle in Diksmuide. Commissioned by the Anchor Point Spatial Quality Westhoek and WVI, May 2, 2007, “Presentation cemeteries of Wervik and Zonnebeke.

Lecture at the university the “Academia Petrina,” Jelgava, Latvia. To the faculty of landscape architecture, Oct. 11, 2006. ‘A show about myth, tradition and its evolution in garden and landscape architecture, with examples from Europe & personal work’

Lecture at “The Architecture Hall,” Riga, Latvia. For the LAAB, Professional Association of Landscape Architects in Latvia, Oct. 10, 2006, “A presentation on myth, tradition and its evolution in garden and landscape architecture, with examples from Europe & personal work.

Lecture at the “Conscience Building” Brussels. Commissioned by Ministry of the Flemish Community Department of Forest & Green, September 12, 2006, ‘Innovative and exemplary green projects: Rehabilitation of Village Center Oostnieuwkerke’.

Lecture at De VLM, Bruges. Commissioned by the WVI as part of “WINVORM,” Oct. 18, 2005, “A New Look at Cemeteries.

Lecture at the “Conscience Building” Brussels. Commissioned by Ministry of the Flemish Community Department of Forest & Green, September 29, 2005, “Innovative and exemplary green projects: ‘Rehabilitation of Park of Geluwe'”.

Lecture at “De Warande,” Wetteren. Commissioned by AVBS, Jan. 13, 2005, “Myths of Paradise.

Recitation in “De Spil,” Roeselare. Commissioned by WEBOS, Oct. 05, 2004, ‘Myths of Paradise’

Recitation at Wervik Town Hall. Commissioned by the WVI, Jan. 15, 2000, “Design park cemetery Wervik.

Recitation in “De Spil,” Roeselare. Commissioned by WEBOS, December 21, 1999. ‘Design, a fascinating search for ourselves …’

Lecture Trade Fair Antwerp. Commissioned by IFA, Nov. 10, 1999, “Design park cemetery Wervik.


Epekeina – Border Imagination – Art route along Halluin, Menen, Wervicq-Sud and Wervik from April 20 to July 14, 2013, Epekeina, at Wervik park cemetery

Lammerantkapel Ieper, exhibition route ZontArt, photos and slideshow of my designs commissioned by Zonta Ieper, Nov. 14, 2009

Town hall Zonnebeke, exhibition designs cemeteries of Zonnebeke, commissioned by Town council Zonnebeke, October 2007

Barbarakerk Gent, Trends 2002, A 7 panel of sketches on glass, design tympanum, entrance gate, surroundings and emblem for the Dominican Monastery in Brussels.

Park Abbey Heverlee, exhibition “Epiphany, contemporary art and religion,” commissioned by SMAK, Ghent, Oct. 21, 2000 – Jan. 07, 2001 A stylized design with a future perspective for the expansion of the abbey cemetery presented as a contemporary work of art.

Handelsbeurs Antwerp, trade fair “Uitvaart, doodgewoon …”, commissioned by IFA, Antwerp, Design and model park cemetery Wervik, November 1999


Poperinge city newspaper. ‘Forever a beautiful resting place,’ pages 16-18, Author Bart Wemaere

Book ‘Adventures in Eden’ Country Garden, pages 196-199. Author Carolyn Mullet, ISBN 978-1-60469-846-6

Trade magazine CG Concept. ‘The municipal courts of Wevelgem’. Edition 01/2019. Author Paul Geerts

Trade magazine Green Growing Magazine. ‘Garden and landscape architect Andy Malengier’. December 2018. Authors Dirk Ingelaere & Stijn Verhalle

Trade magazine Green Contact. ‘Funeral parks. No. 2018/5, September-October 2018. Author Paul Geerts

Magazine Plus magazine ‘The cemetery park, an ode to life’ No. 353 November 2018. Author Ellie Maerevoet

Trade magazine Green Contact. ‘German war cemeteries. Renovating German war cemeteries, Andy Malengier. No. 2017/5, September-October 2017. Author Paul Geerts

Book ‘Vademecum Sustainable Design of Green Spaces’ Village Core Renewal Oostnieuwkerke pages 350-353. Author Sylvie Van Damme, Pieter Foré, ea, … ISBN 978-90-441-3561-9

Book “Landscape Design in Flanders. ‘Landscape as a narrative and integrative medium in spatial design practice’. Village Core Renewal Oostnieuwkerke pages 178-179. Author Sylvie Van Damme ISBN 978-90-441-3060-7

Thesis Central Cemetery Vleteren. Commissioned by Hogeschool Gent, June 2014, author Charlotte Verplancke, Bachelor of Landscape and Garden Architecture

Trade magazine Garden Style. “Belgium is experiencing a landscape crisis,” No. 64, May 2014, author Jesse Van Daele

Thesis Cemeteries for the living commissioned by Ghent University, December 2013, author Arthur Verraes, 1st Master of Architecture

Journal of Public Space. ‘Epekeina,’ October 2013, Author Geert Delanghe

Trade magazine City & Green. Landscape architecture as a silent indictment of urban planning modernism, Author Hein van Iersel, October 2013

Trade magazine Garden & Landscape. ‘Seclusion in open landscape’ June 20, 2013, no. 13, 35th ed. Author Emiel van den Berg

Catalog ‘Border Imagination’ – 300 years of border – Epekeina. Published by

Book ‘Stenen gedachtenissen, funerary heritage in Gullegem, Moorsele and Wevelgem’. Author Cultural Council Wevelgem, 2012

Dagblad Het Laatste Nieuws. ‘Municipality of Oostrozebeke wants redevelopment of village center’, Oct. 01, 2012.Author Charlotte Degezelle

Dagblad Gazet van Antwerpen. ‘Municipality invests in Steenhuffel cemetery,’ June 05, 2012. Author Christof Willocx

Thesis Church and cemetery of Gijverinkhove. ‘Past, present and future of a harmonious whole’. Author Anne-Mie Havermans, art historian. Publication of Alveringem municipal government, 2012

Weekly KW Newspaper of West Flanders. ‘Honor restored for cemetery,’ March 09, 2012. Author Anne Bovyn

2011 Public Space Catalogue. ‘Village center of Oostnieuwkerke’ 2011, Author Andy Malengier

Weekly newspaper KERK&leven. ‘Water, grass and trees are the ingredients of silence’ Aug. 10, 2011, no. 32, issue 72. Author Erik De Smet

Trade magazine Natural Stone and Public Space – Pierres & Marbres Wallonie. ‘Pure simplicity,’ March 2011, Authors Dominique Guerrier Dubarle & Cristina Marchi

Book – STONE 30 PROJECTS. Stone 7 – Stone and Eternity

Trade magazine Garden Style. ‘Contemplative combination leads to the most beautiful gardens’ No. 50, December 2010. Author, Mr. Wim Vander Haegen

DSM, The Standard Magazine. ‘Cemeteries for the alive’ ‘Vibrant landscaping in dead places’. November 13, 2004. Author Mr. Lieven Sioen. Photos by Herman Ricour

Thesis, ‘J’ai l’utopie de voir naître d’autres cimetières vivants’. Mieux comprendre pour mieux investir – Etat des lieux en Hainaut Chfdst. 3.4. Cimetières contemporains, dits paysager. Author Ar. Vincent Nachtegaele, Promoter Ar. Christian Gobert

Book “The municipal funerary heritage of Zonnebeke”. Author Ms. Evy Van de Voorde and mr. Marnick Gunst, March 19, 2010

Trade magazine Green Contact. ‘Village Core Renewal Oostnieuwkerke’ February 2010. Author Jos De Wael

DSM, The Standard Magazine. ‘Haha experience in the garden’ Oct. 25, 2008, Author Ms. Trix van der Putten, Photos Mr. Wim Daneels

Trade magazine Blue Ideas. ‘My garden, my paradise,’ no. 23 – January 2006

Website WINVORM. “A new look at cemeteries,” Oct. 18, 2005. Presentation of the cemeteries of Wervik and Zonnebeke at:

Thesis Park Cemetery Wervik. 2003. Author Fanny Dorme, engineering architecture student

Thesis Cemeteries. 2003. Author Tom Vantomme, green space student

Culture Magazine Thirteen. “Funerary symbolism, a chunk of social history,” September 2002. Author, Mr. Lieven Vanmarcke

Trade magazine Blue Ideas. ‘The timeless beauty of blue stone in Wervik park cemetery’ no.14, September 2001. Author, Ms. Colette Demil

Thesis Old urban cemetery Harelbeke. Ch. 8.2. Park Cemetery Wervik, Author Mr. Martin Demedts

Canvas, culture program “The Blackberry. “Epiphany, Contemporary Art and Religion,” November 2000, guided tour by Mr. K. Jan Hoet

Book “Epiphany, contemporary art and religion. ‘In search of the unknown within ourselves …’, Oct. 21, 2000, pp. 102-13. HALEWIJN/CRKC ISBN 90-73503-33-7

Religious Studies Journal Tertio. “Artists in dialogue with abbey environment,” November 2000. Author, Mr. Ludo Dosogne

Handelsblad van Limburg. ‘Expo Epiphany declares current art sacred,’ Oct. 24, 2000. Author, Mr. Koenraad Dewolf

Dutch Funeral Journal. ‘Belgian initiatives awarded’, November 1999

Culture Edition Financial-Economic Time. ‘Gardens for Death,’ Oct. 30, 1999, Author Mr. D. Paul Geerts