Mexican autodidactic architect Louis Barragan (1902-1988) said:

‘I don’t divide architecture, landscape and gardening. To me they are one’

From the discipline of garden and landscape architecture, it is impossible not to take architecture into account in a project. An architectural knowledge and creativity is essential. In the Artistic Humanities at Sint-Lucas Ghent, I received the best architectural training for 3 years from teacher-architect Gilbert Decouvreur. This training still determines my work today, in which I approach each project from a very broad vision of garden, landscape, urban planning, architecture and design.

Clients occasionally ask me to think about the architecture from the very beginning of their project. This always proves to be an added value because, from a holistic vision, all the different components can be anchored harmoniously together.

Embedding the building in its surroundings is part of the very first investigation. This takes into account orientation, sun, wind, views to and from the building, drainage of the building and site, earthworks, urban planning regulations, use of materials, etc.

The complete design concept can be worked out at our office. Once the concept is finalised, we work together with an engineer-architect to finalise the entire project in technical, energy and budgetary terms.