

East Vleteren


Vleteren City Council

Date of realization



Win form laureate from 100 selected West Flanders projects of the past 15 years

Vleteren Park Cemetery

We got to say goodbye to our departed loved ones in very beautiful gardens!
The design for Vleteren’s central cemetery grew out of the belief that, taking into account our limited space, cemeteries can provide a park function for the village! Taking into account the historical context of the village and its surrounding landscape, the park cemetery must be perfectly integrated into its surroundings. The cemetery will be an important green feature in the village landscape. The new central cemetery should have the appearance as if the cemetery had always been there. It should blend seamlessly, so to speak, into the village image and surrounding landscape. Such a realization should ensure a greater involvement of village residents and that the cemetery can fulfill a park role for the village life of Vleteren and its boroughs. The design for Vleteren’s central cemetery possesses artistic-creative value in addition to its essential socioeconomic function. This quality coupled with a story of comforting beauty will result in this cemetery acquiring its own identity, people will be able to say goodbye and commemorate with dignity, and the cemetery will be part of the cultural heritage of the municipality of Vleteren.

Photos realization


Very handsome! Especially the monumental “pass-through” from life to death,from the hustle and bustle of every day, of every life, to the guaranteed eternal rest, and vice versa, makes me suspect that you find inspiration in time/space-transcending, pre-historic funerary monuments. The communication circle between the now and the coming may also be there!

Doctor Luc Maertens

Andy, I still want to congratulate you! You should be proud that your realizations have made a big impact on the way many people say goodbye. Silence and reconciliation indeed speak from your designs. With great respect and admiration.

Veronique Hostens

Bye Andy, the site has moved me. It is GREAT. I am going to go back often for the feeling. You should be more than proud of it. I look forward to going back and bringing people with me to share the emotion. Grateful greetings.

Bernadette Desmet

Congratulations. You have a true gift Andy for bringing nature, history and values together in a serene setting. Zo verwek je een sfeer waarin men oprecht gefocust kan worden op het moment van afscheid en herinneringen. Keep up the good work, your work is admirable …

Sven Garreyn

Yeah man das beautiful Andy! Surtout the strip of grass in the middle. Your designs are already so pared down. Wonder what will follow next …

Anne-Marie De Witte

Chapeau with the realization in Vleteren! I go there to experience and admire the site. I wish you continue to realize many such places. May the muse continue to hang out close to you. It is good for many people and pleases them. You open a positive creative intense feeling.

Bernadette Desmet

It should be a given that every community should have such a park cemetery. A beautiful place where one can reflect on life. A life of your own and of your loved ones who have passed away. But still remain in your life all the days.

Henk Claeys

As I experienced with my own eyes, amazing spaciousness! Congratulations!

Stijn Gilbert

Andy, a heartfelt congratulations on your work. Form and spirit merge into one.
And one feels that.

Patrick Descamps

Congratulations on this accomplishment. It is therefore also a confirmation to the outside world that your projects are researched down to the smallest detail, are designed … It is a very nice recognition for your daily commitment to always develop your projects into true gems that offer added value to fellow human beings. Let this be a driving force to realize your future projects with the same degree of professionalism.

Stephen Baelde

A big congratulations on this more than deserved recognition, hats off!
I would still move there to be able to be buried there later, it’s that beautiful!

Frank Vereecke

From us you receive many congratulations in advance on this wonderful realization. We greatly appreciate your work and are grateful to be able to enjoy those talents daily in our garden as well.

Yo Haeleydt

Andy, a very big congratulations as laureate! After the best beer in the world, now the most beautiful cemetery! Ils sont gâtés, ces Vlétriens!

Donald Buyze

Congratulations Andy, a wonderful recognition for an equally wonderful vision!

Luc Dutoit

Wonderful. That gives you pause …When my time comes, they may bury me there already. Almost to look forward to already …

Filip Vanryckeghem

Congratulations on your excellent performance! Last year you were a guest in my house for Athena Kortrijk. I was very impressed with your works then. Two weeks later, I even drove to the cemetery in Vleteren. It was a whole new approach for me, a framework for coming to peace when someone is grieving a lot. And also, the structure of your vision elevates death to a nearness with life.

Marie Paul Vandendriessche

Congratulations on the recognition! This is more than justified. The surrounding landscape is beautifully emphasized and even enhanced by the design’s interplay of lines.

Jonas D’hoore

Congratulations Andy! It was an honor as a contracting company to execute this project.

Carl Van den Broecke

Congratulations on this new realization! After Wervik, now Vleteren. If only we had more such PARELS OF RUST.

Greta Vermeersch-Lagae

Congratulations on this wonderful creation and execution. Even past the photos, you can feel the serenity and respect for the deceased human being. Being able to say goodbye with dignity and muse for a while afterwards,
seem to have a tremendous hand in “being allowed to grieve” here. Hopefully this will be an example for many congregations!

Yo Haeleydt

This cemetery is incredibly beautiful. Where do you keep taking it from? Super! You are a genius. Good luck and keep up the good work.

Darline Deprez

Andy, your realization at Vleteren deserves another nice compliment! Congratulations! You apparently manage to motivate the necessary people to accomplish such wonderful indelible projects.

Veronique Hostens

Congratulations Andy on the new realization in Vleteren. It looks very nice and stylish again!

Daniel Vanhoutte

Congratulations Andy on your new realization in your well-known style. It looks beautiful again!

Marnick Favre


Rob Wark

Cher Monsieur Malengier,
Félicitation pour votre beau travail! Je suis impatient de pouvoir visiter cette beau cimetière lorsque je serai de passage dans ce coin. J’imagine déjà les hommages aux futurs défunts qui pourront y être pratiqués dans un cadre serin et de qualité. En espérant que votre travail fasse écho jusqu’à chez nous en Wallonie … Bonne continuation, et continuez ainsi!

Vincent Nachtegaele

Dear Andy, your umpteenth masterpiece!

Bernard Delvoye

Congratulations Andy. The cemetery looks beautiful. Your vision and execution contribute to a dignified farewell and connection beyond death.

Yo Haeleydt

Andy, congratulations on your wonderful work. It looks very simple and pure. Fantastic in harmony with nature.

Fabrice Vanhee

Sincere congratulations on the -again- beautiful realization! The cemetery looks serene and is beautifully integrated into the landscape!

Ann Devoldere

Hi Andy, the cemetery looks beautiful and serene! Congratulations!

Ria Cardoen

Congratulations Andy!
I suspect quite a transformation awaits the site as the planted greenery gains volume. Looks very clean and sober now.

Frank Vander Stichele

Andy, congratulations on your brilliant work in Vleteren. Beautiful photos of a clean, austere and minimalist cemetery that perfectly exudes tranquility, class and reverence with a seamless transition into the landscape. Very cleverly done! Chapeau!

Frank D’Hondt

Andy. Really beautiful. That peace and serenity. I’m really healthy “jealous” of that that you can bring that about with landscapes. That emotion. I’m definitely going to go see it in real life.

Bertrand Deny

Dear Andy/ Back a wonderful creation. To be quiet about it. Congratulations. We are proud that you worked on our garden!

Filiep Vereecke

Chic Andy, congratulations. Something special again!

Freddy Stragier

Wonderful work, Andy. As a landscape architect, especially in the Westhoek, you are unsurpassed.

Jurgen Verfaillie