Municipality of Eernegem
Design village center and architecture for bus stop with bike parking
Andy Malengier BV Landscape Architects
Technical Study
Study office Jonckheere BV
First place
The municipal government desires a village center with more attention to greenery and experience.
The project area includes 3 zones. The market, the area around the church and a yet to be created open space. A space that will be created by the demolition of two buildings next to the building that houses the KSA of Ichtegem.
The market will be redesigned with a “central green,” a bench around a fountain, spacious terraces for the catering establishments and enough space for the annual fair to take place there. The market will hereby form a valuable green heart in the village where residents will be able to meet each other in a pleasant setting. The artwork ‘De Flandrien’ by Patrick Steen will be integrated there in a prominent place.
The area around the church will also undergo a major metamorphosis through extensive softening. The parking will make place for a park that will be bordered by beautiful trees and hedges that will be clipped around. The parking will be laid out next to the former cemetery and will be seamlessly integrated into the greater whole through optimal green design. The entrance to the church will be accentuated by the round hedges and flow seamlessly into a square that will form the link with the market.
The open space vacated by the demolition of two houses will be designed as a park that will form one with the surroundings of the church. In it, a centrally located fountain will be surrounded by benches. The walls provide the necessary security and close off the park experience from the newly designed parking and the busy Koekelarestraat. Anchored with the park walls, I also designed a bus stop with the possibility of storing bicycles. This architecture also forms a very interesting gate effect as an entrance to the ‘Gemeentepark Ichtegem’.
Beautiful trees will be planted across these three zones, transforming the village center into a village park. The trees are placed in spacious lawn areas that are always visually connected. In this way the village center will acquire a green supporting structure that will connect all parts of the village, spatially and aesthetically.
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